星期四, 11月 14, 2013

吉他教材Signature Licks系列Avenged Sevenfold介紹

大家都知道 搖滾阿明的教材賣的非常多


叫作Signature Licks系列  什麼叫作Signature Licks呢




而不是傻傻的一直彈  學會之後再活用才是王道

Signature Licks除了有解說之外跟一般的TAB譜最大的不同是

一般的譜是寫出完整的曲子 而Signature Licks大多是一段Solo

或是一般riff 並不是完整的一首歌  所以買的朋友要注意一下囉

今天我們要來介紹的是現在非常火紅的團Avenged Sevenfold


因為小學生的英文程度都比我好 所以我有特別的把英文的部份打出來

所以在翻譯的過程當中  我大多是用故狗翻譯

請大家看看就好  不要太認真

 After 12 measures of a xylophone melody in 12/8 meter,Gtrs  1 2 and 3-all tuned to Drop D-enter the mix to play a harmonized variation on the xylophone`s melody(Riff A,A1 and A2),WHILE Gtrs 4,and 5-also in Drop D tuning-execute rapid-fire palm-mutes of the open sixth string.The melody is derived from the D natural minor scale(D-E-F-G-A-Bb-C),with thw addition of the b5th(Ab) passing tone.On beats 3 and 4 of measure 2, Gtrs. 1-3 briefly break away from the D natural minor scale to arpeggiate an A7b9 chord(A-C#-E-G-Bb)

在12個小節以12/8拍的木琴演奏的旋律之後,緊接而來的就是精彩優美的吉他solo對位啦,這時候的第1、2、3把吉他要把音調成是Drop D的模式,也就是第六到第一弦的空弦音為(D-A-D-G-B-E),演奏的旋律是以前面12小節的木琴旋律作變化(Riff A,A1 and A2),而第4、5把吉他一樣要調成Drop D,並且要悶住第六弦快速的彈奏,不能讓他呀~~呀~~呀~~的叫出來,旋律的部份則是用上D自然小調音階(D-E-F-G-A-Bb-C)加上了一個b5度的音(Ab)當成是經過音,記住哦,這個b5度的音很重要,沒有了他就像沙拉油裡沒有銅葉綠素一樣 – 不對味呀。另外在第2小節的3、4拍短暫的使用了從D自然小調音階沿生出來的A7b9的分解和弦(A-C#-E-G-Bb)來當作solo的旋律

  At measures 7-8,following three repetitions of the harmonized melody and rhythm mic variations by Gtrs.4 and 5,Gtrs. 1 and 3 modify the last beats of Riffs A and A2, substituting a chromatic G-G#-A passage for the notes G,A and Bb.The at the measure 9,the harmony changes to  arpeggiations of Bb , G7/B , C ,and A7/C# chords,with stepwise(half-step) movement occurring along the chords` bass notes.Meanwhile,Gtrs,1 and 3 modify their melody lines to accentuate the root of each chord change,whit Gtrs. 2 continuing to harmonize the main melody with – from Gtr. 3`s perspective-diatonic 3rds.

在重覆了三次彈到了第7與8小節之後,第4與5把吉他還是在幹相同的事,而第1與3把吉他在Riffs A 和 A2在最後一拍時,則有一點小小的變動,用G-G#-A半音進行來代替G - A – Bb,到了第9小節之後和弦進行有變動,每2拍就要換一次和弦,作一個很芭樂的Bass音順降,而第1與3把吉他的旋律是跟著和弦在變化的,第3把吉他只有簡單彈幾個主要的音,與第2把吉他是相差三度的關系,是一個非常酷的用法。


 In measures 11-12,the meter changes to 4/4 and the tempo increases to 128bpm,Here Gtr. 4 comesto a rest Gtr. 5 articulates a string of sixteenth-note palm mutes on the open sixth string,Gtr. 1 continues to hold a whole step bend,and Gtrs.2 and 3 manipulate harmonics with the whammy bar till the verse commences.

進入到11與12小節之後,拍號轉變成了4/4拍,這時候心臟不夠大粒的老人家會凍未條,速度也變成了128bpm,在這裡第4把吉他是休息不彈的,可以去抽個煙或是吃個泡麵,第5把吉他則是用16分音符彈奏第6弦空弦,第1把吉他維持1個全音的推弦不動,第2與3把吉他則用搖桿(whammy bar)製造鬼哭神嚎的音效進去到下一個橋段。

Rhythmically,the 20-measure guitar solo consists of Gtrs. 2 and 3 playing two repetitions of an eight measure rhythm figure(Rhy Fig 2),which is punctuated with four measures of a syncopated,plam-muted D5 chord pattern.Melodically,the lead guitar(Gtr. 1)opens the solo with a descending semi-chromatic line along string 1(A-Ab-G-F,the held notes that begin each of the first measures)that is interspersed with swift,ascending D harmonic minor(D-E-F-G-A-Bb-C#,measure 1)and chromatic(measure 2)runs and capped with a descending D harmonic minor and D minor arpeggio.

接下來是精彩的20小節吉他獨奏,第2與3把吉他要重覆彈兩次(Rhy Fig 2),這一個節奏和弦是用D強力和弦,拍子以八分音符為基礎下去作切分音的變化,彈的時候要注意悶音的地方,還要把你馬子跟別人跑的怒氣彈出來,而第1把吉他這時要帥氣的Solo了,在第1弦的地方使用了一個半音的下行A-Ab-G-F,保留了第一個小節的幾個音(這個手法跟前奏很像),第一個小節音階上是用了D和聲小調D-E-F-G-A-Bb-C#,而第二小節有一些的半音跑法,是混用了D和聲小調跟Dm的分解和弦彈法。

 At measure 5,Gtrs 1 , 4 and 5 play a five note(D-F-A-Bb-A)motif,each in a different octave(Gtr.4 achieves its high octave pich via a Digitech whammy pedal),before Gtr. 1 punctuates the melody with a two measure lead line that consists of notes from the D natural minor scale(D-E-F-G-A-Bb-C)and whole-step bend. At measure 9 Gtrs 1 , 4 and 5 tremolo pick(in sixteen-note sextuplets) a three-part harmony,staying within the confines of the D Dorian mode(D-E-F-G-A-B-C),save for the G# note in measure 12.While Gtrs 1 and 5 play main melody line in different octaves,Gtrs 4 adds harmony part that is s diatonic 3rd above Gtr 1`s part.

在第5個小節第1、4、5把吉他只用5個音符各自在不同的八度當作動機來彈奏(D-F-A-Bb-A),而第4把吉他則是使用Digitech的whammy調成高一個八度在彈奏,而第1把吉他之後的兩小節solo則是用了D自然小調音階(D-E-F-G-A-Bb-C)和全音推弦來彈奏。進入第9小節之後,這時第1、4、5把吉他是作一個三部的和聲,使用的是D Dorian音階(D-E-F-G-A-B-C)加上右手快速的顫音彈法,第1及第5把吉他是在不同的八度裡彈相同的主旋律,第4把吉他跟第1把吉他是相差3度的對位彈法,記住哦要彈出銷魂的感覺哦!!還有要特別注意的是在第12小節有加入了一個G#的音哦。

At measure 13,Gtr 1 drops out and Gtrs. 4 and 5 join forces for a speedy two part harmony(Gtr 4 harmonizes Gtr 5`s main lead line with diatonic 3rd)that,although rooted in D minor,contains several chromatic pitches.At the conclusion of the solo(i.e,the last four measures),Gtrs 4 and 5 give way to Gtr 6 and 7, which harmonize(again,in 3rd) a descending chromatic line along string 4 before whammy bar manipulations lead into the bridge section.






